Vendor invoice approver workflow – user selected

When you configure a vendor invoice workflow you can configure the approval step to find an approver based on a few different options. What if you just wanted the person that was entering the invoice to select who should approve. This might be helpful where you don’t have a clear expenditure hierarchy so trying to get the system to find an approver based on the expenditure approvers, security role, user group etc might not be an option.

In standard AX there isn’t an option for this but it’s not a difficult customization. So in this video we’ll have a look at the user flow and then in a follow-up we’ll have a look at what we had to do to create the customization.

Here is a quick overview.

AX2012 R3 CU11.

You can see more about the customization in this post.



7 responses to “Vendor invoice approver workflow – user selected

  1. Pingback: Vendor invoice participant provider for user selected approver | OrganicAX·

  2. Pingback: Vendor invoice participant provider for user selected approver - OrganicAX - Microsoft Dynamics AX - Dynamics AX Users - DUG·

  3. Pingback: Vendor invoice participant provider for user selected approver - Microsoft Dynamics AX Community·

  4. Hi Lachlan! Thank you so much for Your videos – they are to great help! We have used your customization for the requested aprover and it works fine! But I am wondering if you have any ideas on how to combine the user selected option with the Configurable hierarchy option? We would like the workflow to start With the requested approver and then to find next approver from the position hierarchy.. Any thoughts would be much appreciated! We are setting this up in D365.
    BR // Linda Josefine Eriksen


    • Hi Linda
      You could combine them in steps under the approval element. For example step 1 is use the assigned approver, then step two change the approval provider to be hierarchy. However the standard hierarchy will start at the originator which I assume you want to go up the hierarchy from the person that you assigned in step 1?


      • Hi again, and thank you for your quick response! I tried to combine them in two steps as you are suggesting, but i couldn’t get the hierarchy to start from the requested approver selected in step one. Any thoughts on how to solve this? Normally there is a accounting clerk who submits the invoice to the workflow and we want her/him to be able to select the approver and that it should then go on to the nearest leader from the position hierarchy. // BR Linda


      • Hi Linda
        ok the standard hierarchy will only start from the originator or workflow owner so you would have to do a change to pass the selected approver to the hierarchy.


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