Approved flag on vendor invoices

If you are looking for a simple option to hide an accounts payable invoice from the payment proposal one option is to use the approved flag on the vendor invoice. By default when you enter the vendor invoice it is marked as approved and so when you post to an open invoice it will be available as an open invoice to pay. But if you want to be able to post the invoice so it’s on the vendors account and posted to the GL but not see the invoice in the payment proposal then you can in-check the approved flag.

Here is a quick overview.

AX2012 R3 CU11



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  1. Pingback: AP Invoice workflow post before or after approval | OrganicAX·

  2. Pingback: AP Invoice workflow post before or after approval - OrganicAX - Microsoft Dynamics AX - Dynamics AX Users - DUG·

  3. Pingback: AP Invoice workflow post before or after approval - Microsoft Dynamics AX Community·

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