Building a measure to publish to the entity store – Part 3

In the previous post we created the second table. In this post we’ll create some simple list forms to display our data. This will give us a way to check the data that we are going to import, in the next post. We’ll import data into the tables so we have a reasonable amount for the analytics later or we could just use the forms to add data.

Here is a quick overview.

D365 July 2017 Update 8 (7.0.4565.16211)

In the next post we’ll create some data entities to import.



2 responses to “Building a measure to publish to the entity store – Part 3

  1. Pingback: Building a measure to publish to the entity store – Part 4 | OrganicAX·

  2. Pingback: Building a measure to publish to the entity store – Part 2 | OrganicAX·

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