Setting up email for workflow and alerts notifications

Getting notifications via email is something users love so they don’t have go into the business application they can just do their just and interact when the get a notification. When you install Dynamics AX there is some setup that you need to get AX to know about the email system. This video walks through the setup of getting the email notifications configured. The video here uses Exchange Server and that is what I used I the video but AX only needs the SMTP server to connect to so it can be done with any email system. The extra bit I cover in the video is the Exchange setup for making sure AX has permissions to send email through the Exchange server.

The setup is done once and can be used for any notification through workflow and the alerts system. As well if there are areas in the application where email is to be sent it will go through the same configuration. There are other mechanisms for sending email like the reports if there user hits sent on email then it’s a client side call to the email client to add the attachment, if reports are sent in batch then this will be sent on the server side, I’ll cover this in another post so you can see the difference.

Another note, what I don’t cover here is email based approvals. Once you have this email notification setup the user will get an email to notify them of something they need to look at an approve and the link in the email will take them back to the AX client or enterprise portal to have them action the approval. There is approval in the email client but that requires some additional setup.

Also one last note this video was done with Dynamics AX 2012 R2 but the same concept apply for any version of Dynamics AX 2012.



4 responses to “Setting up email for workflow and alerts notifications

  1. Pingback: Planning email sending client and server functions | OrganicAX·

  2. Pingback: Planning email sending client and server functions - Microsoft Dynamics AX Community·

  3. Very nice video with clear explainations.
    Thanks for sharing this video.

    I want to write the script for purchase requisition event.
    Can you please share the syntax for all the place holders like %event%


    • Hi Amir
      For alerts if you have a look at the class. EventActionEmail. There is a method there called createEmailParameterMap. This is the code that populates those values when the email is created so you can see in there the ones that it knows about, or create new ones. You will see the code formatted like this

      parameterMap.insert(‘event’, event);

      The strings in quotes like ‘event’ are the ones you can use.



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